Trips to beautiful beaches (Wando and Busan) with great friends.
Dongjip wars that never end.
Train rides to new cities.
American Apparel v-necks and Uniqlo hoodies.
Pot luck dinners and charades.
Spending time with a certain Korean-American.
City-wide scavenger hunts in the rain.
Watching indie films at the Busan International Film Festival.
Cheesy love motels with flowered wallpaper and Thomas Kincade window shades.
Inspring/encouraging emails from my best friend in the solar system.
Jogging along the Han River at night.
Hookah bars and mexican food in Gangnam.
Sitting at a coffee shop and drinking a latte while writing in my journal.
Reading a book about India and knowing that I'll be there soon.
Thinking about Christmas in America for the first time in 3 years.
Fall weather.
Enjoying every moment in Seoul before time runs out.