Friday, July 25, 2008

bali bound.

Tomorrow morning at 9 am I'm leaving the Korean peninsula and boarding a plane to Southeast Asia! I'm so excited about spending the next few days laying on the beaches of Bali, Indonesia, soaking up the sunshine, getting daily massages, meeting new people, and trying to capture Balinese culture in photographs. It's my first solo-vacation and I'm a bit nervous, but mostly excited, about heading out into a new place on my own. Check back in a few weeks for photographs and stories from my travels!

Random photos of where I'll be for the next 8 days. Be jealous...




1 comment:

Christien New said...

Hey hey hey

It was great meeting you n of course fun chatting with you on the train.... heh heh heh

Hope the pic turn out well, otherwise pls don't post it muahhahah

Life is Good!!!

Christien New