Sunday, February 24, 2008

thank you, mr. vonnegut.

My friend, James, and I began our very own Seoul book club a few months ago...we are the only members. Nearly every weekend we get together at a random coffee shop in the city to read, talk, and consume endless amounts of caffeine. Its been a great way to continue learning now that we are out of college and in the "real world" where reading books isn't quite as commonplace. It's fun to have a friend in the city with similar interests who is ridiculously smarter than me and enjoys lazy Saturday afternoons spent at the Coffee Bean...and he's a Texan! So far we have read "Slaughter House Five," "Lolita," "A Man Without a Country," and are now working through "On the Road." I feel smarter already.

Yesterday afternoon we read Vonnegut's last work, "A Man Without a Country," at the coffee shop overlooking Itaewon. This book was written as a sort of memoir to his life and throughout he discusses his opinions on politics, modern America, life, art, etc. I love his way with words...humorous, introspective, witty, and real. I feel like I learn more about my own life just by reading his thoughts. Yesterday, one phrase in paticular caught my attention. Vonnegut was talking about his Uncle Alex whose biggest complaint was that people seldom noticed when they were happy. His uncle would frequently interrupt conversations and exclaim, "If this isn't nice I don't know what is." In response, Vonnegut stated, "So I do the same now, and so do my kids and grandkids. And I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, 'If this isn't nice, I don't know what is.'"

This morning I woke up, layed in bed for a few minutes, and read those words again. I want to notice when I am happy. I don't want to go through life numb to the joy and beauty that surrounds me each and every day. I want to take notice, and appreciate, even the smallest details that make life worth living... good conversation that last for hours, friendship, the cool air blowing past as I ride my bike to work, sunny mornings spent journaling and listening to music in Olympic Park, laughter, dancing, music that inspires thought, flags representing nations around the world, poetry, capturing the perfect photograph in an exotic country, hot coffee on a winter day, a morning message of encouragement from a best friend, an email written just to say hello, a quiet night at home in my apartment, a good movie, being surrounded by nature, streets filled with people and neon lights, and so on. The things I have to be happy about are far too numerous to list.

One of the most vivid images in my mind of someone who truly knows how to enjoy and appreciate life is of my friend, Nicole. Exactly one year ago we were in Koh Phangan, Thailand together traveling Southeast Asia. One afternoon we look a long-tailed boat out with a small tour group to snorkel, tan, and see some of the surrounding islands. The sky was dotted with fluffy white clouds, the ocean a rich shade of turquoise and blue, and the sun was hanging high above us. The perfect afternoon. I remeber looking over and seeing Nicole sitting at the edge of the boat with her face to the sky, eyes closed, and long hair blowing in the wind. It was almost as if the rest of the world ceased to exist for her in that moment. I couldn't help but think that she was someone who truly knows how to make the most of an afternoon spent in paradise. She seemed so aware and overwhelmed by the beauty surrounding her that all she could do was close her eyes and soak up the happiness. I'll never forget that image. That afternoon Nicole showed me a self-assuredness, contentment, and joy for life that I can only hope to one day have.

"I urge you to please notice when you are happy."

1 comment:

mitchell said...

man without a country is one of my favorites by vonnegut. But slaughter house five is pretty damn good.