Saturday, January 24, 2009

i no longer like india.

The moment it all changed.

Journal entry following a 15-hour train ride in India:

"Last night I felt so gross that I actually blew my nose into a bed sheet before covering up with it to sleep. My head is congested and achy, my nose wont stop running, and my stomach is turning at the thought of eating any more curry. It’s official- I no longer like India. We took a 2nd class sleeper from Agra to Varanasi and arrived the following afternoon completely tired and dirty. I thought I could handle nearly anything after taking so many 4th class train rides in China, but nothing prepared me for India. The train station in Agra was dark and crowded. The platforms were covered in a thick layer of dirt and garbage. Men wearing white turbans pushed and shoved to be the first on the train when it arrived while guards carrying rifles patrolled the area. And it only got worse once on board. Because we are traveling with so much luggage it was a struggle to find a place for everything. People were moving up and down the train car as we shoved our 50 pound bags under the seats. I’m not sure I can ever endure another train ride in India after this terrible experience. I have tried so hard to remain positive during the last week but this country is slowly killing me. The pollution is making it nearly impossible to breathe and it feels like I now have dirt permanently embedded on the bottoms of my feet. This really isn’t what I had in mind when coming to India. I wish that I could write home and share wonderful stories about the country but right now I feel nothing…except the need to escape.”

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